Healthcare provider with Optimizing their Workforce Management with Workday Analytics and React JS


Customer care is a critical aspect for every single industry; however, delivering high-quality patient care while managing costs effectively is paramount for every healthcare company. Amongst the many different vital components of this challenge is workforce management, which requires accurate data, timely insights, and efficient resource allocation. A premium hospital with big brand equity encountered difficulties tracking workforce productivity at different hospitals. The hospital was finding it hard to manage staff planning and allocation due to disparate data sources and manual reporting processes.

Every day, work schedules, timesheets, attendance management, and job allocation were getting hampered, and it was hard for the hospital to run smooth day-to-day operations. To address these challenges, the hospital reached out to SMARTnCODE. At SnC, our experts from the healthcare industry dived deep into the problem with a thorough audit of existing data systems and workflows.

A detailed requirement-gathering session was organized with all critical stakeholders to understand the customer pain points. After much review and discussion, SnC suggested implementing Workday Analytics and Reporting with a React JS-based user interface.

The Challenges

In the requirement gathering and audit stage, experts and SnC identified the following challenges that the hospital was facing:
  • Disparate Data Sources: The hospital lacked a single source of truth as their data was scattered across various different systems, which made it difficult to consolidate and analyze.

  • Inefficient Reporting Systems: Much of the work was not automated. The hospital staff was using manual reporting processes, which were time-consuming and added errors to the system, leading to delayed insights.

  • Difficulty Tracking Workforce Productivity: With the lack of real-time data, it was difficult to monitor staff activities and performance and identify areas for improvement.

  • Ineffective Staffing Management: The lack of good authentic data also resulted in mismatches between patient demand and available resources.

SMARTnCODE’s Approach and Solution

When SnC experts started working on this project, they created an exhaustive blueprint for it, which was shared with all stakeholders. Our team of experts collaborated closely with the hospital's HR team to gain their insights and inputs to implement Workday Analytics and Reporting.

The solution was further enhanced with a HRM software through a custom-built React JS user interface. This solution integrated data from various systems into a unified platform, providing real-time insights into key workforce metrics.

The solution was further enhanced with a HRM software through a custom-built React JS user interface. This solution integrated data from various systems into a unified platform, providing real-time insights into key workforce metrics.

The React JS-based interface offered the following benefits to our client:
  • Intuitive User Interface: Our team created a visually appealing and easy-to-use interface with the objective of increasing adoption and enhancing user experience.

  • Real-Time Data Visualization: Interactive charts and graphs to visualize key metrics and trends, enabling quick decision-making.

  • Customizable Dashboards: Personalized dashboards to cater to the specific needs of different users, such as HR managers, supervisors, and administrators.

  • Mobile Accessibility: A responsive design that allows for seamless access on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

How SnC's Solution with Workday Analytics with ReactJS Helped the Client

SnC's solution with Workday Analytics and Reporting and React JS had a positive business impact on the hospital's workforce management. Here are some key highlights that defined the success of this project.

  • Enhanced Patient Care: Workday Analytics and our solution as a single source of truth improved our client's staffing levels. The staff could achieve efficient resource allocation, which led to better patient outcomes and reduced wait times.

  • Increased Patient Satisfaction: The biggest stakeholders for any hospital are its patients, and our solution directly offered patients better benefits, such as more attentive care and shorter wait times, resulting in higher satisfaction ratings.

  • Cost Savings: SnC's new system allowed the hospital management to gain deeper insights and identify opportunities to optimize staffing efficiency while reducing costs.

  • Improved Workforce Management:In addition to the above, the hospital's HR team gained better visibility into workforce trends and was now equipped to make more informed staffing decisions.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Our easy-to-use React JS-based interface offered an intuitive and efficient way for users to access and analyze data. This helped in increasing user adoption.

Another Success Story and Satisfied Client:

By partnering with SMARTnCODE and implementing Workday Analytics and Reporting with React JS, this premium hospital successfully addressed its challenges related to workforce management.

SnC's solution proved to be an effective investment for the hospital as it offered the right tools and insights needed to optimize staffing levels, improve patient care, and reduce overall costs.

This case study showcases the merits and benefits of leveraging data-driven analytics and modern user interface technologies to enhance operational efficiency in healthcare organizations.

At SMARTnCODE, we are committed to offering our clients solutions that impact and simplify business complexities. If you have a challenge at hand and are looking for a sustainable modern solution, then reach out to us today for a no-obligation quote. Our experts would be happy to learn about your challenges and offer insights on different ways of overcoming them with the best-in-class technology solutions.