CMMI APPRAISED Appraisal # 71051 | Exp. May 20, 2027
Air Cargo

This case study explores how, at SMARTnCODE, we helped our cloud kitchen client transform their operations through a customized ERP solution. The solution tackled key challenges like managing multiple online orders, streamlining internal workflows, and optimizing deliveries. By leveraging innovative features like a multi-order map view and estimated time arrival calculations, we significantly improved efficiency, logistics transparency, and customer satisfaction.


In today's ever-growing world of food delivery, cloud kitchens are becoming increasingly popular and game-changers. Unlike traditional restaurants with dine-in seating, cloud kitchens are delivery-only facilities. They house multiple restaurants or virtual brands under one roof, focusing solely on preparing food for takeout and online orders. This allows businesses to reduce overhead costs and expand their reach without needing a physical storefront.

Cloud kitchens need superior technology support to ensure seamless and hassle-free business operations, whether managing their internal operations, inventory, logistics, supply, or delivery mechanisms.

One such established cloud kitchen operator contacted SMARTnCODE to streamline their operations and build their delivery app.


Our esteemed client is an established multi-city cloud kitchen that caters to the needs of over 150+restaurants and direct customers on a daily basis. As our client experienced significant daily growth, expanding their service offerings to encompass new orders and delivery regions, they encountered a series of operational challenges. These included the management of various online ordering systems, the refinement of internal processes, and the enhancement of delivery logistics. The presence of disjointed systems resulted in operational inefficiencies, order delays, and complications in supply chain optimization.


At SnC, we have worked across the hospitality industry and understand the nuances of it. When we got on this project, we started with a thorough probing and discussion exercise to understand the cloud kitchen's business model, operational models, and delivery models. As every decision has a cost impact, we carefully prepared a blueprint across the different cost centers and came up with solutions to address needs of every stakeholder in the business.


Overall, we utilized a robust tech stack to deliver a high-performing and scalable solution. The tech stack included:

  • Backend: Node.js

Mobile App Development:
  • Android:Native Java/Kotlin

  • iOS:Native Swift

  • Google Maps API:This was used for efficient map visualization, route optimization, and estimated time calculation.

Our objective was to understand the problems of each of the silos and then deliver a seamless solution across every department.

We developed a customized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution designed explicitly for their cloud kitchen needs. This solution integrated with all their existing e-vendor platforms, streamlining order processing. Additionally, the ERP offered the following features:

  • Centralized Order Management: All online orders, regardless of platform, were automatically routed through the ERP, eliminating the need to monitor multiple systems.

  • Online Booking App with Multi-Order Map View: Customers can place orders seamlessly through the user-friendly online booking app that is directly integrated with our ERP. Which we developed using a combination of following technologies:

    • Backend: Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment for building scalable server-side applications.

    • Mobile App: Native development using Java for optimal performance and access to device features.

    • iOS: Native development using Swift for a smooth user experience and adherence to Apple's app store guidelines.

Another Challenge while building this system wasdisplaying numerous daily orders from multiple stores on a single map, considering varying delivery directions. For this ourdevelopers implemented the Google Maps API to visualize all orders on a map effectively. This required in-depth research to ensure proper handling of diverse delivery routes.

Delivery Management with ETA Calculation

Our customized ERP facilitates efficient dispatch and tracking of deliveries, ensuring timely order fulfillment. Additionally, the system offers:

  • Admin Dashboard - Estimated Delivery Time: The client requested a system that calculates the estimated time for each delivery, encompassing food preparation and customer arrival.

  • Solution: Leveraging Google Maps API, our developers integrated a feature that calculates the estimated time from kitchen to customer doorstep, enhancing delivery transparency for both the cloud kitchen and its customers.

  • GPS-powered Supply Chain Management: Integrated GPS tracking allowing the cloud kitchen to source ingredients from the nearest vendors, optimizing travel time and cost.

Key Takeaways

This case study demonstrates the power of SnC's customized ERP solutions in transforming cloud kitchen operations. While cloud kitchen is a very new operational model, our team was quick in understanding the challenges and requirements it. This is due to our years of rich experience in the hospitality industry. Our team of experts is a rare combination of rich tech experience with a very sound understanding of industry needs and best practices.

By leveraging a robust tech stack and innovative solutions like the Multi-Order Map View and ETA calculation, we ensured improved efficiency, logistics transparency, and, ultimately, increased customer satisfaction. At SMARTnCODE, our commitment to utilizing Cutting-Edge Technologies empowers us to deliver exceptional solutions tailored to the specific needs of the hospitality industry including the nascent cloud kitchen industry.

Next Steps

Our client plans to leverage the data and insights generated by the ERP to optimize their operations further and explore potential expansion opportunities. Our technology company remains committed to providing ongoing support and tailoring the solution to their evolving needs. Would you like a customized ERP solution for your business? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.